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What do an open book, the Holland Land Office, and the year 1966 have in common? 它们都是杰纳西社区学院标志的组成部分. 学院, 1966年获特许, 是在庆祝40周年吗, which is a perfect time to reflect on the beginning of higher education in Genesee County. The open book in the College’s logo represents not only the County’s commitment to education, 而是广泛地分享这些知识. The Holland Land Office is perhaps the most recognizable symbol of Genesee County; significant areas of the land in Western 纽约 were sold through the Holland Land Company giving rise to establishment of 巴达维亚 in 1802 and the logical home of Genesee Community College in 1966.

The story leading up to the college’s official charter is a defining element of the County’s mindset. In 1963, the 巴达维亚 Jaycees established a Study Committee to discern the need for and viability of a community college in Genesee County. Although the County Supervisors had previously conducted their own review of this issue and determined that student 招生 would never exceed 75 students, 他们自己的调查占了上风, and their findings were reported to the Board of Supervisors in February 1964, indicating there was: a desire for a community college; a need for a community college; the financial ability to support a college; favorable economic growth; a population increase, and; sufficient student population for a college.

在接下来的一年里, a community-wide debate ensued over the possibility of establishing a college or a vocational school. Proponents of the community college developed a “Citizen’s Committee” and led a vigorous and well-planned campaign. 1965年11月, the public voted “YES” by a margin of over 1400 to the proposition of establishing a community college in Genesee County. Genesee became one of only two voter-established community colleges in 纽约 State.

1966年5月, the following individuals were appointed to the first Board of Trustees for Genesee Community College: A. Warren Dayton, Alexander; Michael Ryan, 巴达维亚; Robert G. Fussell, Le Roy; Mrs. Almeta George, 巴达维亚; Anthony Zambito, Elba; Neil T. Burns, 巴达维亚; William A. 塞切尔,巴达维亚,夫人. 罗伯特年代. Jenks, Alexander; and Francis M. 勒·罗伊·罗宾逊.


董事会的首要任务是聘请一位精力充沛的, experienced president who would have the vision to help secure the college’s future. 董事会从众多申请者中挑选了他. 阿尔弗雷德·C. 1966年11月,奥康奈尔. Dr. O’Connell left his current post as the President of Harford Junior College in Bel Air, 1967年2月搬到杰内西县.

Under President O’Connell’s leadership and with his educational expertise and administrative experience, 梦想变成了现实. 获得56后,000 square feet of space in the Valu Discount Store on West Main Street in 巴达维亚, construction crews worked through the summer of 1967 to appropriately renovate the space. 9月27日, 1967 Genesee Community College welcomed its first class of 378 full-time and 243 part-time students—approximately 200 more students than originally projected! 奥康奈尔校长聘请了他的第一位学生主任. 斯图亚特·施泰纳, 谁最终成为了1975年学院的校长, 并在这一职位上工作了30多年.


Growth has been a dynamic characteristic for Genesee Community College since it opened the doors. 学术项目, 招生, 教师, 工作人员, and facilities have all experienced steady growth and development. 1972年1月, 学院搬进了新楼, 设于书院道一号的永久性设施, 俯瞰着杰内西县风景优美的山坡和农田. 二十年后, in 1991, the 斯图亚特·施泰纳 Theatre opened featuring a complete fine arts center with a 328-seat theatre, 票房, 画廊, 现场购物, 服装商店, 以及数字艺术实验室, 起草, 陶瓷, 及戏剧节目.

Another addition to the Genesee Community College facilities was the Conable 技术 Building. Completed in 2000 and named after the region’s noted statesman, the late U.S. 代表巴伯·科纳布尔, 两层楼的厢房提供42个房间,000平方英尺的最先进的计算机实验室, 媒体制作套件, 电子学习和“智能”教室, and a 150-seat tiered lecture hall with the latest presentation equipment.

Genesee has continued to grow with the addition of the Wolcott J. 汉弗莱三世学生会,成立于2006年1月. 10,500 square foot facility is dedicated completely to student activities, 提供多间多功能会议室, 学生会联合会办公室, and a large recreation area featuring a spectacular view of the countryside.

学院 is expanding student resident complex at College Village and adding its sixth campus location in 麦地那, NY. The expansion at College Village will consist of three new buildings and renovation of a fourth, providing housing for 79 more students for a total occupancy of 380. 每一个,500 square foot buildings will accommodate 32 students in eight apartment-style suites with single bedrooms.

The 麦地那 Campus Center is slated to open for classroom instruction in the fall of 2007. 是9,000 square foot facility that features two modern computer labs and a state-of-the-art science laboratory – the first campus center to have a designated science lab.


今天, Genesee has more than 58 different associate degrees and certificate programs, and continues to develop and implement new academic programs aimed at the careers of tomorrow. 生物技术, 网页设计, 计算机制图与设计, and Technical Theatre are among the new or recently renewed courses.

Genesee also awards more than $10 million in annual financial aid packages, 将近200美元,为学生提供奖学金. 2006年秋季入学人数超过6人,其中大约有600人,100名全日制学生. The largest student population is at the main campus in 巴达维亚, but six other Genesee Community College Campus Centers serve the surrounding communities of: Albion and 麦地那 in Orleans County; Lakeville and Dansville in Livingston County; 商场 and 华沙 in Wyoming County.

This brief history of Genesee Community College was compiled in April 2007.


  • 阿尔比恩,1990年/ 2022年关闭
  • 华沙,1991年/ 2002年搬迁
  • Lakeville, 1992年/ 2009年搬迁至利马/ 2024年关闭
  • 商场,1995
  • 丹斯维尔,2002年,2012年搬迁
  • 麦地那,2007